Pupil Wellbeing
At The Orchard School we strive to create an environment where pupils are able to learn and play creatively. We want our pupils to feel safe in their learning environment so that they can engage with confidence and feel that they are valued and respected. Below are some resources, ideas and links to support you and your child on their journey to become resilient young adults, providing advice and strategies to learn effectively and manage day to day challenges.
Sandwell All Age Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Directory April 2024
The Sandwell All Age Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health Directory for April 2024 can be found here.
Breathing Difficulties
Please see the following video about breathing difficulties:
Measles is an infection that spreads very easily and can cause serious problems in some people. Having the MMR vaccine is the best way to prevent it.
More information can be found on the NHS website.
Sensory Processing Awareness
More information can be found on the Griffin website.
Water Beads Safety Alert
Urgent safety alert issued for water beads
The Office for Product Safety and Standards has issued an alert to parents and childcare settings warning that water beads should be kept away from all children under 5.
If swallowed, they can expand in the belly and block the bowel. Water beads don’t show up on X-ray, so finding them can be really complicated and a child may need major surgery to remove them.
Paediatric Dental Service
Here is some information about the Paediatric Dental Specialised Service. They are experienced in working with and providing care for children who may require additional support or additional dental expertise. To be seen by the service, you must be referred by a healthcare professional such as your child’s regular dentist, paediatrician, or school nurse.