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Safeguarding & Pastoral

Useful website links / resources

Here you will find some links to information and activities that may be of interest to you:

A printable pocket size leaflet that gives parents and carers points to consider and useful links to help you understand how to deal with online situations

Adaptive Clothing

Being a Parent Guide

Bug Chair Guide

If your child makes use of a Bug chair, please refer to the following User Guide to ensure maximum safety at all times:

Bug User Guide

Cost of living

Family life, work & childcare

Renaissance Creative - Sandwell Cost of Living Booklet 2023

Financial Support

Support with Bereavement 

Parents Cerebra are looking for families to take part in a research project

Understanding emotional well-being and distress in people with learning disabilities

What is the study about? We are currently developing a new assessment tool to measure emotional well-being and distress in people with learning disabilities and communication difficulties.

Who can take part? Parents & caregivers of individuals with a moderate to profound intellectual disability who are over 4 years old.

How long does it take? Completing the online survey takes approx. 1 hour. You’ll receive an individualised feedback report and a £5 Amazon voucher!

How can I take part? Simply email Jane Waite to take part:

Contact Us

The Orchard School
Causeway Green Road
B68 8LD

0121 569 7040