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Safeguarding & Pastoral

Useful website links / resources

Here you will find some links to information and activities that may be of interest to you:

A printable pocket size leaflet that gives parents and carers points to consider and useful links to help you understand how to deal with online situations

Adaptive Clothing

Being a Parent Guide

Sandwell Being a Parent magazine can be found on this website.

Bug Chair Guide

If your child makes use of a Bug chair, please refer to the following User Guide to ensure maximum safety at all times:

Bug User Guide

Cost of living

Family life, work & childcare

Renaissance Creative - Sandwell Cost of Living Booklet 2023

Financial Support

PAGE Information

Parents Advocacy, Guidance and Empowerment (PAGE) Service Announcement

For the last two years, the PAGE project has supported over 100 Sandwell parents/guardians with learning disabilities and/or autism. Focusing on parents whose children were subject to interventions from Children's services, PAGE provided support by offering Independent Advocacy and Independent Living Skills support. PAGE are pleased to share that in 2025 they are expanding this service offer to support any parents/guardians with learning disabilities and/or autism in Sandwell (not just those subject to interventions from Children's services), through the provision of bespoke one-to-one holistic support, helping parents to overcome challenges and achieve their personal goals.

This support can help these parents to create healthier, happier and safer homes and increase their confidence, skills and support networks, all of which maximises the chances of keeping the family unit together. PAGE are continuing to support Sandwell parents/guardians with learning disabilities and/or autism who are subject to interventions from Children's Services through their Independent Advocate, who supports parents, ensuring their voices are heard and to help them navigate discussions, meetings and court hearings related to their case. The PAGE project is delivered by their partners Sandwell Advocacy and Ideal for All.

Communities in Sync - PAGE Information

Support with Bereavement 

Parents Cerebra are looking for families to take part in a research project

Cerebra logo

Understanding emotional well-being and distress in people with learning disabilities

What is the study about? We are currently developing a new assessment tool to measure emotional well-being and distress in people with learning disabilities and communication difficulties.

Who can take part? Parents & caregivers of individuals with a moderate to profound intellectual disability who are over 4 years old.

How long does it take? Completing the online survey takes approx. 1 hour. You’ll receive an individualised feedback report and a £5 Amazon voucher!

How can I take part? Simply email Jane Waite to take part:

autistica logo

Contact Us

The Orchard School
Causeway Green Road
B68 8LD

0121 569 7040