Useful website links / resources
Here you will find some links to information and activities that may be of interest to you:
Adaptive Clothing
Bug Chair Guide
If your child makes use of a Bug chair, please refer to the following User Guide to ensure maximum safety at all times:
Conditions & Health
Advice for parents of children with autism - BSPD
Advice on the UK Data Protection Legislation and vaccinations in Primary and Secondary schools
BSPD Advice for parents of children with autism
Dental treatment for people with special needs - NHS (
Disabled Children’s Partnership
Disabled Children's Partnership - #CountDisabledChildrenIn Campaign
Flu immunisation for pupils in school years Reception - Year 11
NHS - Norovirus (vomiting bug)
NHS - Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Route2Wellbeing - Health and wellbeing services within Sandwell
Sandwell Family Life - Supporting Young People and families to get the best from life
SIBS - For brothers and sisters of disabled children and adults
Supporting information for parents - Helplines (
YoungMinds - Mental Health Charity for Children and Young People
Cost of living
Renaissance Creative - Sandwell Cost of Living Booklet 2023
Financial Support
Fuel Rights Handbook 20th edition
Guide Dogs - Sensory equipment grants for children
Parent well-being
Bright Sky - NHS
Facebook Q&A: Getting Social Care for your Child - Cerebra
Family Action - Support for families with a child with ASD or ADHD
Family Services, Support and Help - Sandwell Family Hubs
Getting help for domestic violence and abuse - NHS (
Keep warm and well during the cold weather - Healthy Sandwell
Legal, Social and Financial - Cerebra
Parental Supervision checklists for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram
Resources for parents and carers to help children get off to a good start using digital devices
Safer sleep advice for emergency situations
Sandwell Children’s Trust - Disabled Children
SENDIASS - Information, Advice and Support Service
SENTAS - Home to School Transport Information
Sleep Advice Service - Cerebra
Support for Fathers in Sandwell - Barnados
Helping your child with cyberbullying in games
Online safety for families and children with SEND
Online Safety Guidance for Parents
Safeguarding Awareness for Parents & Carers (Football Association)
Sandwell - Child Online Safety: AGAINST EXTREMISM
Stop Abuse Together - GOV.UK
Young Minds – How to help your child create healthy boundaries around gaming
Support with Bereavement
Support for Respite & Short Breaks
Parents Cerebra are looking for families to take part in a research project
Understanding emotional well-being and distress in people with learning disabilities
What is the study about? We are currently developing a new assessment tool to measure emotional well-being and distress in people with learning disabilities and communication difficulties.
Who can take part? Parents & caregivers of individuals with a moderate to profound intellectual disability who are over 4 years old.
How long does it take? Completing the online survey takes approx. 1 hour. You’ll receive an individualised feedback report and a £5 Amazon voucher!
How can I take part? Simply email Jane Waite to take part: